Problem between "There are No log files to analyze" error and "Unknown user name or bad password" when I run analysis from the scheduler

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I select "Local System account" in the schedule options as DOMAIN /User Name, I got error "There are No log files to analyze" when I run analysis from the scheduler. Also, when I select "Specified account", that I got error "Unknown user name or bad password" in the built-in scheduler. How can I solve it?
There shouldn't be problems if you use the local path (logs on local drive). In that case you should set the account to "Local system account" in schedule settings. If it doesn't work you should recheck permissions for this folder, especially if you use encryption (local system account cannot read encrypted folders).

Could you recheck that you can use log files in local folder correctly?

As for UNC path - if there are technical difficulties with accessing the files on a network share, you can also use FTP instead by setting it on a remote computer. The only drawback is that the program will have to copy all log files to local cache, it won't be able to read them directly from remote drive.
Chan Jacqueine
How to use FTP instead by setting it on a remote computer?
First of all you need to set FTP server on your remote computer if you don't have one. You can use the IIS FTP server, or another server, e.g. FileZilla's one - . You need to set up the server so you can access your log files.

After it you need to select the FTP log location mode in WebLog Expert in Profile Properties > Log Files. Set file path to analyze all your logs (e.g. something similar to /logs/*.log), server, username and password. The program will download log files automatically and keep it in the cache to avoid redownloading it.