Our Web server reports time_taken in seconds.milliseconds (12.345) How can I make this work in weblog expert? This can not be changed in the logs.. Any help appreciated.
The program doesn't have such option in the moment. Could you send a sample log from your site along with the name and version of your web server to us at support@weblogexpert.com ? We'll check whether it will be possible to add recognition of such field in future versions of the program.
We have just released version 9.3 beta. It recognizes milliseconds in the %T field, so you can use the format described above to analyze your logs and get correct time taken statistics.
Have you specified custom Apache format? You can do it by choosing the Apache log format in Profile Properties > Log Files. Choose "Apache" as the log format, click the "Custom" button to the right of it, choose the custom format and enter the following format:
Meanwhile, is there an easy way to multiply the 12.345 by 1000 within weblog expert so I can test the time taken?
Thanks again
%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" - %T