Authenticated users Hashed Value

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  • Answered
So my Authenticated users value is a hashed string... I would like to convert this to a readable user name... I have done this in a custom user report using modification rules... But is there any global rule i could create that will convert this for the regular WLE reports? My custom reports work but the built in filtering based on authenticated users, and the "requests of authenticated users" all show the hashed value. If this is not currently possible, can I request a feature for global modification rules that affect an entire profile?
Great, I'm glad that you have found a solution for this issue.
James Kmetz
For anyone else looking for a similar solution using nginx I was able to grab the uri parameter and put it into the user name field in the logs, after that i used multiple "IF" commands one after another, if = kljfsdsd HASH jksldf set userid= guest. If none match then the original hash value is still in the userid variable... Lets me use WLE the correct way.

Thanks for your help Michael. You can close this question.
Yes, sorry, I've overlooked this issue.

Unfortunately modification rules don't affect filters now. However, if you wish to filter by users, you can change your modification rules to include hashes along with user names, e.g.
1234 = User1 (1234)

In this case it will be easier for you to filter by this user as you will be able to get the hash value. However, you will need to add the filter manually and copy the hash to it, as automatic filter adding will take all the string shown in the table.
James Kmetz
Well, you may have skipped my second post.. my issue is filtering...

See attached image, if i click the username filter icon, or try to add an "authenticated user" filter, it doesnt work unless i use the hashed value.. I would think clicking the filter by the username would work, it does not. If i click the filter by the user name i get zero results. However if I hit the graph button I DO get good results for that button... I would like filter to work so I can track user activity.

You can also modify, or copy and modify the "Requests of authenticated users" report using the same modification rules you used in the custom table.

Note: if you modify a default table and not copy it first or create a one from scratch, you should enable the "Block table updates" option in it, otherwise your changes will be reset when you reinstall or update the program.

We'll consider adding some kind of global modification rules, but it is unlikely that we implement it in the near future.
James Kmetz
So my real problem is that i can not filter based on "Authenticated Users" because that filter is expecting the hash value.... Just to be clear....