Activity by Hour of Day. People leaving or not?

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  • Answered
I want to understand something about the visitors when I look at the report activity by hour of the day.
Let's say that I see 200 visitors from 9.00 to 9.59, and then 40 visitors from 10.00 to 10.59. What does that mean? That I first had 200 visitors until some point before 10 am, and at 10 I had only 40, or that 40 more visited my site sometime between 10 and 11?

In my page I have a video that lasts for about 2 hours. I would like to know if people got bored and left, or if they were still there and 40 more arrived.

I have the default 30 minute timeout session value. Thanks
weblog expert weblog activity logs
Unfortunately I just have that page, so I wouldn't know if they left or not. However you have answered my question!

Visitors are counted in the activity reports by their first request time. If you see 200 visitors from 9.00 to 9.59, and 40 visitors from 10.00 to 10.59, it means that 200 visitors made their first request (e.g. viewed a page on your site) from 9.00 to 9.59, and 40 visitors made their first request from 10.00 to 10.59. So each visitor is counted in one table row (for one hour) only.

Unfortunately it's quite difficult to determine how much time a visitor spent viewing a video or a page, because logs contain information on when visitor requested/downloaded a page, but don't store time when visitor closed browser or navigated to another page. The program can calculate view time if visitor navigated to another page on the same site (as time between requests for this and the next page) but view time will be zero for exit pages.