Ajax Tracking

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Is there a way to track the time spent on different steps in a page that runs a multi-step Ajax wizard?
Ajax requests are usually logged as usual requests for pages, so the program can show information on them, including view time statistics. You can view a sample "View Time" report in the sample report, Access Statistics > View Time.

However, there may be a problem with distinguishing requests for different steps if the Ajax wizard shows different pages depending on POST data, not on data sent using GET paramteres. POST data isn't logged so the program will show that the same page/script was requested and it won't be possible to show statistics on each step if POST is used in such case.
Michael Ross
The situation is that, we are using the Microsoft ASP.NET Wizard Control. Basically this control allows you to navigate between several steps [all of them will be POST]. This control will basically be placed on a web page and every "step" we navigate through the wizard control, will POST back to the same page. Is there a way to track that?
You can use some kind of tagging to track the steps. E.g. you can create an empty page wizardstep.html and add a JavaScript code to each wizard page to request this empty page (using Ajax/XMLHTTPRequest or another technique) with different parameters like wizardstep.html?step=2. In such case you'll be able to track requests for wizardstep.html instead of the POSTed wizard Ajax requests.