Cannot save log file

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  • Answered
I tried to analyze my logs this morning and it finds and downloads the first log, but then I get the error "Cannot save file /logs/W3SVC3/ex101001.log" That's the correct path to the log. Any ideas why it won't save and move on? I recently moved my WebLog Expert version 4.1 from a Windows XP machine to a new Windows 7 machine if that makes a difference. Thanks for any help.
matvey sofyin
Quote from Michael
The program needs to save intermediate analysis results to analysis cache in any case, it's not possible to turn it off completely.

Maybe the problem appears because of non-English characters in the path, you should try to move the cache to a folder without such characters (it shouldn't be a problem in most cases but it depends on system settings).

If it doesn't help, I recommend you to create a new folder, move the cache and then delete all files and folders inside the LogCache folder so WebLog Expert will need to recreate them.
Thank you very much!
The problem seems to be in using russian characters in the path.
The program needs to save intermediate analysis results to analysis cache in any case, it's not possible to turn it off completely.

Maybe the problem appears because of non-English characters in the path, you should try to move the cache to a folder without such characters (it shouldn't be a problem in most cases but it depends on system settings).

If it doesn't help, I recommend you to create a new folder, move the cache and then delete all files and folders inside the LogCache folder so WebLog Expert will need to recreate them.
matvey sofyin
I have enough permissions to write to any folder at my desktop.
I installed programm at folder at desktop.
But the programm shows me this error message after analysis:

I don't want to have any programms' logs. Can I turn off it someway?
The program should be able to write to the folder if it exists and the user have enough permissions to write to it. In most cases the default log cache location should be used, but if you wish to use another location you should check the security settings for this folder.
matvey sofyin
What if the programm installed in other folder, e.g. C:\User1\Desktop\WebLog Expert\

and I wtite "C:\User1\Desktop\WebLog Expert\\LogCache" in this field

May it cause the problem: "Cannot create cach files C:\User1\Desktop\WebLog Expert\\LogCache\2.db"
Thanks very much, Michael. It worked perfectly.
The program uses different locations of log cache under Windows 7 and Windows XP. However, if you copied program config files from Windows XP, the program tries to save files to location used under Windows XP and fails.

You need to change the log location in "Options > Analysis > Log Cache" to the "C:\ProgramData\WebLog Expert\LogCache" folder. If the ProgramData folder isn't shown (it's not shown in Windows 7 by default), you need to set option to show hidden files and folders in Windows Explorer.