Opera Mobile Browser
The Opera Mobile Browser isn't being recorded as a mobile browser but being reported as the full version of Opera. The code in the logfile is "Opera/9.80+(iPhone;+Opera+Mini/;+U;+en)+Presto/2.8.119+Version/10.54" and is being reported as "Opera 10.5x". Can this be added to program in the future?
Until this is added, could you provide the code to add to the file broswers.cfg?
Until this is added, could you provide the code to add to the file broswers.cfg?
As for now, you can insert the following code to the beginning of the Browsers.cfg file to add recognition of Opera Mobile and Opera Mini:
Opera.*Opera Mobi.*Version.?(\d*)\.(\d) ~= Opera Mobile%VersionSep%\1.\2x
Opera.?(\d*)\.(\d).*Opera Mobi ~= Opera Mobile%VersionSep%\1.\2x
Opera.*Opera Mini.*Version.?(\d*)\.(\d) ~= Opera Mini%VersionSep%\1.\2x
Opera.?(\d*)\.(\d).*Opera Mini ~= Opera Mini%VersionSep%\1.\2x
If you wish both Opera Mini and Opera Mobile to be shown as Opera Mobile you can use the following code instead:
Opera.*Opera Mobi.*Version.?(\d*)\.(\d) ~= Opera Mobile%VersionSep%\1.\2x
Opera.?(\d*)\.(\d).*Opera Mobi ~= Opera Mobile%VersionSep%\1.\2x
Opera.*Opera Mini.*Version.?(\d*)\.(\d) ~= Opera Mobile%VersionSep%\1.\2x
Opera.?(\d*)\.(\d).*Opera Mini ~= Opera Mobile%VersionSep%\1.\2x