Wrong IE versions in report

  • updated
  • Not a bug
I noticed that the results for the the Internet Explorer versions is inaccurate with Weblog Expert Professional 7.6 beta 2. I searched for the following user agents with RegexBuddy (IE6, 7 and 8), and I came up with the following results:

Number of hits IE6 with RegexBuddy: 1882
Number of hits IE6 with Weblog Expert: 1668

Number of hits IE7 with RegexBuddy: 340982
Number of hits IE7 Weblog Expert: 10 230

Number of hits IE8 with RegexBuddy: 20658
Number of hits IE8 Weblog Expert: 351624

The total number of hits is identical for the 2 programs.

Martin Auclair
Thanks for the answer. Everything seems fine.
In fact version 7.6 beta 2 should calculate IE versions more accurate than previous versions as it correctly detects versions of IE when it works in the compatibility mode - please refer to the following topic for more information: https://getsatisfaction.com/weblogexp...

So if you use RegexBuddy to check for IE versions, you should also check for the Trident string. Here is how our own IE version definitions (in the Browsers.cfg file) look now:

Mozilla.*?MSIE (\d+).*Trident/4\.0 ~= Internet Explorer%VersionSep%8.x
Mozilla.*?MSIE (\d+).*Trident/5\.0 ~= Internet Explorer%VersionSep%9.x
Mozilla.*?MSIE (\d+).*Trident/6\.0 ~= Internet Explorer%VersionSep%10.x
Mozilla.*?MSIE (\d+) ~= Internet Explorer%VersionSep%\1.x