Problem between "There are No log files to analyze" error and "Unknown user name or bad password" when I run analysis from the scheduler

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I select "Local System account" in the schedule options as DOMAIN /User Name, I got error "There are No log files to analyze" when I run analysis from the scheduler. Also, when I select "Specified account", that I got error "Unknown user name or bad password" in the built-in scheduler. How can I solve it?
First of all you need to open the "Computer Management" console. To do it, right-click the Computer icon on the desktop and choose the Manage command. Alternatively if you use Windows 7 (and probablyb Vista), you can search for "Computer Management" in the Start menu search field.

In "Computer Management" open Services and Application > Services. Search for "WebLog Expert Schedule Service" in the list (it has to be already started in the program), double-click it and open the Log On tab:

Please note that you shouldn't stop the schedule from the WebLog Expert's Schedule dialog after you changed the service settings as it will reset these settings.
Chan Jacqueine
I can select "Local system account", but I cannot find the "account settings" in the properties of the "WebLog Expert Schedule Service" ("Log On" tab) in the Windows service settings. Would you mind tell me more details about this? Where is the "Windows service settings"? Thanks.
You should try to specify a different local account (e.g. admininstrator account) in the schedule settings. If it doesn't work, you can try to select "Local system account" in the schedule options and then enter account settings in the properties of the "WebLog Expert Schedule Service" ("Log On" tab) in the Windows service settings.