Weblog report notification

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  • Answered
We have automated weblog report with application scheduler option. We need a notification once there is failure happens in scheduler.

Also we have more than 55 task schedule we want to know how much scheduler weblog support.
It's not possible to get notifications on the schedule errors using WebLog Expert now. You can only use an external software to monitor the schedule log for error messages.

You can use any number of tasks, while we don't recommend to use such large number of tasks. If you need to analyze multiple profiles, you can analyze all of them in one task by using the batch command line mode. E.g. you can create file C:\Logs\MyProfiles.txt with the following contents (list of profiles to be analyzed):

"My Profile 1"
"My Profile 2"

After it you need to open task properties in the schedule, and set the action on the Action tab to "Run with custom parameters" and set the parameters to @C:\Logs\MyProfiles.txt:

Ok. Thanks for reply.

Can you please also assist on below...

Our auto scheduler didn't work at mentioned time. what could be the possible reason.
we have weblog professional 7.1 and want to know the procedure to upgrade it with latest version. we want to avoid any mismatch in the current settings while upgrading to new version.

Please help.

Mangesh More
You should check the schedule log ("View Log..." button in the "Schedule" window), probably it contains information on some errors. If there are not information on the task running at scheduled time at all, probably the schedule service wasn't running at that time for some reason (e.g. server was rebooting at that time).

If you purchased the program less than 12 months ago, the upgrade is free, otherwise you need to purchase the upgrade at https://upgrades.weblogexpert.com/

Just install the new version over the existing one to perform the upgrade (if necessary the program will ask you for the new license key when you run it after install). All your settings will be preserved.
Thank you very much for your quick response.
We will upgrade the program since we purchased it longer than 12 month.

But.. last question. Can you send me any script, program or procedure to catch the failure /successful in scheduler and send out an email. The notification is necessary to ensure the automated task has been completed or not. Because of this we ran with major issue and our customer is unhappy. And i want to overcome on that. please help.

Mangesh More
Unfortunately we don't have such script available and don't have experience with such notification software. However, it seems that there are different log monitoring tools available now, e.g. you can try this one.