How to backup program settings or transfer them to another computer?

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How to backup program settings or transfer them to another computer?
export backup import migrate restore settings transfer
Quote from worksafebc
How can I migrate my profiles from ver 5.1 to ver 7.7? There is no backup option in ver 5,1 and the files names are different from those shown above.
You should copy all files listed above that exist in the old version (profile files, Main.cfg, IgnoreLists.cfg, Schedule.cfg) as well as file CustomTables.cfg.
How can I migrate my profiles from ver 5.1 to ver 7.7? There is no backup option in ver 5,1 and the files names are different from those shown above.
WebLog Expert FAQ
You can backup and restore settings using the "File > Backup" and "File > Restore" commands from the main menu.

Alternatively, you can backup and restore settings manually. Program settings are stored in the files located in the subfolders of WebLog Expert data folder (usually "C:\Program Files\WebLog Expert" under Windows XP/2003 or older and "C:\ProgramData\WebLog Expert" under Windows Vista or newer). The following files should be backed up or moved to another computer:
Profiles\*.pfl - profiles
Config\Main.cfg - main program settings
Config\IgnoreLists.cfg - ignore lists
Config\Tables.cfg - report tables
Config\Schedule.cfg - schedule settings
WebServer\WebServer.cfg - web server settings

Note: if you use Windows Vista or newer, the C:\ProgramData folder is hidden by default (unlike the Program Files folder), so you need to set Windows Explorer to show hidden files and folders. To do it, click the "Organize" button on the toolbar in Windows Explorer and choose the "Folder and search options" item. Open the "View" tab and select the "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" option.