OperatingSystems.cfg Wildcard Ruels

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  • Answered
Trying to put a wildcard rule into the OperatingSystems.cfg file to show the Blackberry OS version. The reports are picking up the rule but displaying "Blackberry%VersionSep%10." instead of the values. Is there something unique to that CFG file to get the results to display correctly?
You can use regular expressions as described at http://www.weblogexpert.com/help/wlex...

The %VersionSep% macro is used to determine versions of browsers only (to show separate reports on versions of IE, Firefox, etc.), while it's not used for operating system definitions.
Dr. Who
Is there a macro that is allowed in the file OperatingSystems.cfg?
The %VersionSep% macro is supported in the Browsers.cfg file only, you shouldn't use it in the OperatingSystems.cfg file.