url changed to http://www.smsync.com

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  • Answered
Our log file report has our website http://www.sculpturedglass.com changed to http://www.smsync.com on all entries. What's causing this? The raw logfile has absolutily no reference anywhere to http://www.smsync.com or it ip address. Our hosting company is just as perplexed as I. Here is a screen shot of the welog expert report. Image 43

Strat McCloskey
Strat McCloskey
Thank you. I've been using this program for years with the same profile set up and just recently renamed the sample file to "Quick look" to check on visitors paths. Forgot all about the rest of the settings.
You need to change the domain specified in Profile Properties > General to your domain.

www.smsync.com is the domain used in the sample profile. It seems that you have changed the sample profile to analyze your logs, but haven't changed the domain name.