Windows authentication

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Is there a way to use windows authentication on the web server?
Monster Hop-ital (Oli)
Quote from Monster Hop-ital (Oli)
How about when running in IIS? It seems that the Dashboard will only work when using Forms Authentication.
Thanks for the reply, this will work for us :)
Quote from Monster Hop-ital (Oli)
How about when running in IIS? It seems that the Dashboard will only work when using Forms Authentication.
Unfortunately the reports doesn't support Windows Authentication now.

However, please note that there is a way to use special links that include username and password and give it to users, so they will be able to access reports without need to enter username and password manually. For example:
Monster Hop-ital (Oli)
How about when running in IIS? It seems that the Dashboard will only work when using Forms Authentication.
No, only forms-based authentication is supported in the built-in web server (dynamic HTML reports).