Does WebLog Expert work on 64bit servers?

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I can see from other questions which versions of windows it works on - but no mention on any posts thus far about x64 vs x86.
Quote from Michael Deschenes
Are there plans to improve the product (dynamic filtering specifically on large db files) it seems to time out if db file is larger then 3+GB and can only go so far for selected time range under 1 week ... program to run in 64bit would optimize this and having db files separated with breaking down data ...
Unfortunately simply switching to 64-bit won't help in this case. It would allow the program to use more than 2GB of RAM, but the program is already designed such way that it can handle most logs without using a lot of RAM, as it saves intermediate analysis results to database file. It also wouldn't help with creating reports in this case, as the web server reporter would not keep all the data in memory anyway as it could be large (database files are compressed, uncompressed data is several times larger) and it also wouldn't work fast enough without indexes - see below. BTW some caching of compressed data is still performed by Windows as it caches reading, so actually more memory helps to speed up reporting even while the program doesn't use it itself.

The problem in this case appears because the program needs to scan all data for the specified period to create a filtered report. A solution that could help with this issue is to add indexes that would allow the program to find records that match a filter without need to check all of them. However, adding indexes would significantly increase analysis time and database size, so as of now we don't have plans to add them.
Michael Deschenes
Are there plans to improve the product (dynamic filtering specifically on large db files) it seems to time out if db file is larger then 3+GB and can only go so far for selected time range under 1 week ... program to run in 64bit would optimize this and having db files separated with breaking down data ...
Yes, WebLog Expert supports both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows.