Tracking hits on partcular page

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  • Answered

I want to track number of hits on this page

I put in the Tracking Tab this line: /page1/page1A/*

Is that correct? If so, I still get the report of pages, /page32, and so on

I tried to cut down the line on Tracking tab by just putting: /page1/*
and I still get the same report on Access Statistics/Pages
You can get such report by creating a filter with multiple criteria. To do it, create a new filter and choose "Multiple (Hits)" filter criteria instead of "Single".

You need to add the following criteria:
1. "Requested file" criteria with value /page1/page1A/Default.aspx
2. "Host" criteria with value

In this case the program will show only requests for the specified page from the specified IP.
Ve Con
ah ...thanks, Michael!

Now the client wants to just to track the IPs that hit this particular page

They want to show how many time this IP (example hit the above page from Jan 2013 to Sept 2013

Is that possible with Weblog Expert? If so, can you please guide me?

Thanks again!
The Tracking tab allows you to add files you wish to get detailed information on. These files are listed not in the Access Statistics > Pages report (it is not changed in this case), but in the Tracked Files report category.

If you wish to get full report on files that match the /page1/page1A/* mask only, you need to create an include "Requested file" filter with this mask.