Why table Most Popular Pages visitors subtotal and total figures are N/A?

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In Access Statistics category, tables Most Popular Pages, Most Downloaded Files, Most Requested Images and Most Requested Directories, their visitors subtotal and total figures are both marked as N/A. What do they mean?

However, tables Top Entry Pages, Top Exist Pages and Top Path Through Site, their visitors subtotal and total figures are not N/A (have values). What is the difference between these two group of tables?

In the Most Popular Pages and some other tables the same visitor may be counted in several rows. E.g. if a visitor accessed pages page1.html and page2.html, he/she will be counted in number of visitors for both these files. As the result, it doesn't make sense to calculate totals for number of visitors, as some visitors will be counted multiple times, and the result may be even larger than the real total number of visitors on the site (shown in the Summary report).

The Top Entry Pages and the other tables you mentioned are different because visitor may be counted in one row only, as each visitor has no more than one entry page, exit page and path. That's why the program shows the total number of visitors in this case.
Jack Lau
I got it clearly, thanks!!