Filter on Mobile only...

  • updated
  • Completed
You have provided us a custom table Mobile vs. Non-mobile way back but we can't seem to use the filter button besides "mobile" ... it would be nice to have this working as a hole we could filter mobile only traffic for all tables. Currently only way to do this is to add separate filter for all known OS/browsers... (mobile only).

Image 32
Michael Deschenes
Reports are looking good, much appreciated for the implementation!
We have added the Device Type (desktop/tablet/mobile) filter in version 8.3 beta 2. The filter is available both in the profile properties and in dynamic HTML reports.

We have also added the Device Type table, it is enabled by default so you just need to install the new version and reanalyze logs to get it.
Michael Deschenes
Mobile computing is becoming a mainstream accessing web apps/sites, hoping this product can add more out-of-the-box support to consider tables / filters / reports for mobile vs. non-mobile traffic etc...
Thank you for the suggestion, Michael. We'll consider adding this feature.
Michael Deschenes
It's a pain to create multiple filters for each OS... iPad, iPod, iPhone, Android OS, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Windows CE, webOS