Too much memory is required to show the report. Please select a smaller date range to view the report.

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I am getting the message "Too much memory is required to show the report. Please select a smaller date range to view the report.". I can get reports with smaller date ranges, but we've been delivering monthly reports and would like to continue doing that.

When I watch the memory usage in Task Manager, I don't see the memory going past 400 Mb usage for the "C:\Program Files (x86)\WebLog Expert\WebServer\WLEWebServ.exe" process. The Peak Working Set is 415 Mb memory. Is there a way to allow the app to use more memory? The "server" is Windows7 and has plenty of available memory.
It's not possible to share cached data among multiple profiles. However, DNS lookup data is cached automatically, you can find its settings at Options > Network > DNS.

The DNS lookup data expires after 7 days by default, so if you reanalyzed data for the new profile, the program had to perform DNS lookup for most IPs again. However, if you perform monthly updates for both dynamic and static profiles, the program will need to perform lookup for the first profile only and will use the cached data when analyzing the second profile.
They are all unique files, plus we are already truncating text after question marks in file names.

Thanks, the suggestion of creating static monthly reports did work. To do this I created another profile with those Report properties set. This does result in the same log files being parsed again (the current profile is used to generate web server dynamic reports on a daily basis), including the DNS lookup. Is this the correct way to do this (by using another profile)? Is there any way to "share" the analyzed/cached log data?
First of all you should check if the files that are shown in this table are unique files, e.g. that there aren't entries like / and / Such issue may appear if queries are used for files (e.g. for tracking) and there is an option set to show queries in file names, so number of different files to be shown in the table becomes very large.

If it doesn't help and there is indeed too many different unique files, you should try to create static monthly HTML, PDF or CSV reports for the files instead of using the dynamic ones. The program can use more memory when generating static reports, so it will be probably able to generate this table.
Our web site is primarily used by customers to download files. There are many thousands of files downloaded each month. I am trying to create a monthly Daily File Access report. This has worked fine through February but is now failing for March with the "Too much memory" message.
The program doesn't have an option to use more memory now.

However, the amount of memory allowed to be used should be enough for most reports. What report do you try to create?