I get error "No log files to analyze" when I run analysis from the scheduler, how can I fix it?

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I get error "No log files to analyze" when I run analysis from the scheduler, how can I fix it?
mapped drive network drive no log files schedule
Quote from rickyck8lau
what mean by "account name and password in the schedule options"
What they refering to?
Have you specified a mapped drive or a full UNC path as the log path in the program? You need to use the full UNC path.
Quote from rickyck8lau
what mean by "account name and password in the schedule options"
What they refering to?
I have specified a mapped drive but it still fail.
How can I get the full UNC path?
Quote from rickyck8lau
what mean by "account name and password in the schedule options"
What they refering to?
You should check the UNC path for your mapped drive (it should look similar to \\ComputerName\SharedFolder\Resource), you can find more information on it here.
Quote from rickyck8lau
what mean by "account name and password in the schedule options"
What they refering to?
I have tried but seems not work.
The Log location should be "local file"?
Quote from rickyck8lau
what mean by "account name and password in the schedule options"
What they refering to?
But I run that UNC path manually but not schdule
It works

Does it mean the path is right but other setting wrong?
Quote from rickyck8lau
what mean by "account name and password in the schedule options"
What they refering to?
Yes, you need to choose "Local file" as log location. Have you entered full UNC path in \\ComputerName\SharedFolder\Resource format? If so but it's still doesn't work from the schedule (while it works when you run it manually), there should be a problem with account specified in the schedule settings. You should try to specify another account, e.g. enter your Windows username/password.

The problem with the schedule appears because the schedule works as a system service. So by default it runs analysis under the "local system" account that doesn't have access to network. So you need to enter an account that can access the network. Mapped drives cannot be used in any case as they aren't mapped when the scheduler runs WebLog Expert, so only full UNC paths work.
Quote from rickyck8lau
what mean by "account name and password in the schedule options"
What they refering to?
I have using full UNC path

1. I manually run sucess
2. I schedulely run it the log show "There are no log file to analyze"

When I change to use the specified account

1. schedulelly run the log show attached log.

I sure the account is correct

How to fix it?
Quote from rickyck8lau

How to fix it?
If you use full UNC path as well as custom account name and password, and it still doesn't work, maybe the problem appears because it is necessary to specify a custom username and password to access the shared folder. In this case you have two options:

1. You can set another script/program to copy log files to your computer, so WebLog Expert will simply read them from the local drive.

2. You can use the net use command (with necessary parameters) in the schedule task properties, "Pre-Processing" tab to map the UNC path to a mapped drive. In this case you also need to use this mapped drive in the log path instead of the full UNC path. E.g. you can use a command like the following:

net use e: \\server2\logs MyPassword /user:Admins\Dan

and then enter E:\*.log as log path in the profile properties.

If it doesn't help, could you please provide screenshots of the following dialogs: "Profile Properties > Log Files", "Schedule Options", "Task Properties > Action" (for the "Testing" task) and "Task Properties > Pre-Processing". If you wish you can send them to us privately by email to support@weblogexpert.com . Maybe we'll be able to determine the problem after reviewing this screenshots.
Quote from rickyck8lau

How to fix it?
I have email those screen capture to you