Options for copying log files to server where Weblog expert is lcoated

  • updated
I saw this help for options on copying log files: http://www.weblogexpert.com/help/wlex...

I'm surprised they didn't mention robocopy or xcopy.. Has anyone used either of these robocopy or xcopy to copy from server to another server? Can someone provide examples?


Hans Hardeman
I use PHP script to rename and ftp the logfiles to a folder on the WLE server, running by a cron job on the webserver

Other options:
use smartsync pro to download the log files http://www.smartsync.com/
write script in PS to download and rename the log file
download http://www.ncftp.com/ncftp/doc/ncftpg...
start php script with wget or curl from WLE PC

run as script before WLE analyse

My php script for a directadmin shared hosting account

$logmap= "/home/user/domains/domain.tld/logs/";
$newfile= date("Ymd",time()-(24*60*60))."-domain.tld.gz";
foreach (glob($logmap."*.gz") as $filename) {
if (!copy($filename, 'ftp://ftpuser:ftppassword@ftpserver.tld/Logs/'.$newfile)) {
if (!copy($filename, $archiefmap.$newfile)) {
echo "failed to copy $filename ...";

Ps no support on the script