Files menu does not appear in html report

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  • Answered
'Files' under Access Statistics not showing in my html report, how can I enable it, Its ticked in Options Contents Access Statistics?
Thanks in advance.
I'm using Weblog Expert 7.7 professional.
Many thanks for your prompt replies.
The files have to reside on the same server unless you analyze logs that also contain information on the other server where these document files are located. Otherwise the program won't have information on these files and won't be able to report on them.

If the files reside on another server, it could be also possible to use some kind of redirect script on your server and use it instead of linking directly to the documents. In this case it will be possible to get statistics on clicks on these redirect links, as they will be recorded in log files.
I've checked as suggested, extensions are included but 'Files' menu still not listed in report. Do I have to have my documents reside on the same server or can they reside on a different server/ document management system?
Probably files on your server has extensions that aren't recognized as downloadable file extensions by default. You can change this setting in Options > Analysis > Files.