Charts using IIS not showing

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  • Answered
I am using IIS to provide user access to the reports. However the Graphs are not being displayed in the remote client's browser, but on the local server they are.

How can I fix this>
We have just released version 9.0 beta that uses HTML5 charts instead of Flash charts for dynamic HTML reports. It should solve the issue your client has.
It seems that for some reason Flash isn't shown for reports in these browsers when viewing sites from the local network. I recommend you to try viewing the reports in another browser, e.g. Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, it will help to determine if the problem appears because of IE settings or because of the web server.
Mike Van Hoff
1. Not using Dynamic reports - mostly the defaults
2. No error just a blank area where the chart should be
3. Client Browser is Internet Explorer 10 and above
4. N/A but I will try it just in case
5. Yes the graphs appear viewing the demo site

The IIS sever is IIS 7
I have several question on the issue:
1. Do you use the dynamic HTML reports?
2. What error do clients get or what is shown instead of charts?
3. What browser is used by remote clients? Do other browsers have the same problem?
4. If you disable flash charts in Options > Report > Web Server (if you use dynamic HTML reports), are charts shown?
5. Can the clients view the charts in the sample report shown at ?