characteristics of Web log report in an excel form

  • Answered
can i saved the report of ( Most Popular Pages ) which contain the information as follow { id , page , Hits , incomplete request , visitors , bandwidth } in an excel table ?

and if possible can i get all visited pages which may arrive to 1 million record for example a record for one year or half year or there is specific range for each rows .. ?
azifallail iraq
Thank you very much sir for your replay ... my final issue its related to format of report in CSV ( excel )

information of columns comes in very neat and every value comes in seperate columns as follow :

while in Csv format comes all values in single column A ho to separate these values like pdf format

thanks a lot ..
Usually if Excel is set in Windows to open the CSV files, it should open them correctly with values separated in cells. However, if it didn't work, you can fix it in Excel the following way:

1. Select all the cells
2. Open the "Data" toolbar tab and click "Text to columns" here.
3. Choose the "Delimited" mode and choose Comma as separator on the next step.
You can choose the CSV report format in Profile Properties > Report, the CSV files can be opened in Excel.

If you wish to get just the Pages report, you can select it only in Profile Properties > Report > Custom report contents. You can also specify custom properties for the pages table here including number of rows and sorting.

It's not possible to create a table with number of views/visitors more than a specific value, while you can just create a table with a large number of rows and then remove unnecessary rows in Excel.
azifallail iraq
thank you for your reply can you give me an example of this process i need to store the following values in an excel table ... for example ..

for log file portion - - [22/Sep/2015:11:21:02 -0700] "GET /website1/images/gallery/12.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 128606

Ip ------------- date -------------- time ---------- action ----------- [22/Sep/2015] -------- 11:21:02 ------- "GET

page-name ---------- ------ image -name --------- status code
/website1/images/gallery/ ---- 12.jpg ----------- 200

thanks a lot.
Do you need a detailed information on each request or a statistics on pages like show in the Access Statistics > Pages report?

It is only possible to get statistics on individual requests in the Log Details > Hits report in the Enterprise Edition's dynamic reports, you can view a sample at . You can click the Export: CSV button to export the hits shown in the table here, but you can get only last hits here, not all of them.