Automate profile creation? API/CLI?
Is there a way to automate the creation of profiles?
We have servers being added every day and we'd like to add them automatically instead of manually.
I see there isn't an API available. Is there documentation for the command line interface? Any ideas?
We have servers being added every day and we'd like to add them automatically instead of manually.
I see there isn't an API available. Is there documentation for the command line interface? Any ideas?
Is there an API or an interface .. some way to have profiles programattically built or generated.. vs manually having them added?
What we would like to do, is every time we add a new web-hosting customer, is have a weblogex profile built.
Doing it by hand isn't the worst part... Remembering to do it is... so hence the automation request.
I saw a year ago, where the alternative was to use an existing profile,clone it, and build it from there.