Automate profile creation? API/CLI?

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  • Answered
Is there a way to automate the creation of profiles?

We have servers being added every day and we'd like to add them automatically instead of manually.

I see there isn't an API available. Is there documentation for the command line interface? Any ideas?
api automate automation command create creation interface line profile server
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled API or Interface to Build Profiles in Newer Version?.

Is there an API or an interface .. some way to have profiles programattically built or generated.. vs manually having them added?
What we would like to do, is every time we add a new web-hosting customer, is have a weblogex profile built.
Doing it by hand isn't the worst part... Remembering to do it is... so hence the automation request.

I saw a year ago, where the alternative was to use an existing profile,clone it, and build it from there.
Mo Battah
Thank you, Michael. Great support!

Now the plan is to automate profile creation by creating the .pfl files ourselves using one of them as a template.

Thank you for the help!
The program always uses numbers in profile file names when you create them through the program, while you can make profile files with any names as long as they have the .pfl extension.
Mo Battah
Thank you for the helpful response.

Is there any setting/method to have the profile files be named by the site or profile name?
Profile files are stored in the Profiles subfolder of the WebLog Expert data folder (usually “C:\ProgramData\WebLog Expert”). These files have text format so you can easily create new ones using some script similar to the ones that already exist.

Please note that the C:\ProgramData folder is hidden by default (unlike the Program Files folder), so you need to set Windows Explorer to show hidden files and folders to view it.

You should also consider using the command line mode of the program ( that allows you to create reports for multiple sites without creating profiles for each of them.