Exporting Visit Level Flat files

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  • Answered
can i use this to parse log files and generate large visit level data files to export. What i want is a large flat file that has 1 row per visit.
You can create a list of up to 10000 visits in the dynamic HTML reports (requires the Enterprise edition). You can view a report sample at http://demo.weblogexpert.com/Login.as... , you can view and export the list in the Log Details > Visitors report section.
John Cripps
I could not see how to do that. I want to be able to download the visits as rows in a data set. The columns would be dimensions like region, landing page etc, and the metrics would be time on site etc. How do i do that ? Thanks
As you can see in the sample report ( http://demo.weblogexpert.com/Login.as... ), you can visit the Log Details > Visitors report, and you can export the report as CSV. Unfortunately the report isn't customizable, you cannot choose which columns are shown in it.