106 Visitors but Only One IP – How Does this Work?

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  • Answered
Hi all

We have a case management system on our intranet that can be accessed from our website so that members of the public can download documents from it. Our report for the last month shows 106 visitors to that CMS but only one unique IP. The main OS's of the visitors are Android, iPhone, Mac, NT, and Windows 7, so it seems unlikely that all the visitors come from one organisation. Is it that, because people access the CMS from our website, the server our website is on is the IP address recorded, not the IP addresses of the actual visitors? (Sorry if this is a dumb question; this is not my area at all, as I'm sure you can tell.)

Many thanks, Dominic
Such issue usually occurs when there is a firewall or proxy and its IP is logged instead of visitor IPs. In most cases the firewall/proxy sends real visitor IPs to the server too and it is possible to log them. You can find more information on it at https://getsatisfaction.com/weblogexp...
Thanks very much, Michael. Your reply was most appreciated.