I need help reporting on a custom header please?

  • Answered
Here is my custom header value:

x-emby-authorization:MediaBrowser Client="Emby Mobile", Device="Chrome 54.0.2840.100", DeviceId="d964b3273b46b32a8d92730e85696094120a787a", Version="", UserId="1de587e5988caadbe6f60a4f50d792e0"

That is one header with multiple values within it, I would like to report on "MediaBrowser Client" and "Device" in that string..

I know how to add this to my log file, but dont know how to have WLE grab this info and use it.. Any examples you can lend me please?
James Kmetz
Could you please send me to support@weblogexpert.com few lines from your log with this value so I can check them?
James Kmetz
is this a bug?
James Kmetz
Hum... tried:

Device.\\x22(.*?)\\x22 = \1
and Device.\"(.*?)\" = \1

Neither returned results for some reason..... I see all "Unnamed Servers" in the results.

when I check "Keep original value if no rules match it" i get the full string in the report like my above screenshot. So its not matching those regex strings even though it should be... And does when i use an online regex tester.
James Kmetz
I really need to learn regex... Thanks Michael for the help, I'll give it a go!