Browser types

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  • Answered
What browsers are categorized under mozilla 5.0 and mozilla 4.0 umbrella? I am trying to make sense of the browsers section of the report. Does it include Firefox?
The program supports useragent definitions for the most popular browsers including Firefox. If there is a useragent that doesn't exist in the browser database and isn't recognized as spider, the program shows full useragent in the browsers report.

It seems that in your case there are some useragents that cannot be recognized so they are shown the same way they are listed in the logs.

You can review the browsers database that is stored in the Browsers.cfg file located in the Config subfolder of WebLog Expert data folder (usually C:\Program Files\WebLog Expert\Config under Windows XP/2003 or older and C:\ProgramData\WebLog Expert\Config under Windows Vista/2008/7) for more information on browser definitions used by the program.