Bad report or bad log file?

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In a report I am seeing the following result:

Total Visitors 80,101
Average Visitors per Day 194
Total Unique IPs 13,319

I am wondering if the data is being read wrong as I don't understand how, at 194 average visitors a day, there can be 13,319 unique IPs, let alone 80,101 visitors to the site in teh same period!

Can you shed some light on this?
report log error
The program determines an average number of visitors per day by dividing the total number of visitors by the number of days in time range analyzed by the program. So it seems that in your case the time range is quite large.

You can find the time range for your report on the top of the report pages. If the time range seems to be incorrect, there could be a problem with your log files. E.g. there may be an entry with an incorrect date in your log files. You can fix the issue by choosing custom time range in the profile properties (e.g. for the last few months), so the program won't analyze that entry.
Thanks for the reply.

I've just checked the date range for the report I am referring to, and it saying:

Time range: 10/03/2010 17:22:52 - 24/04/2011 09:51:27

That's a 43 day period, so I can't see how the sums add up. I also don't see how the Unique IPs are calculated either.

Anyway, I will assume a problem with the log files unless you have any other suggestions?
ACtually apologies, the date range was for just under 13 months, so the stats make sense now!