Browser version - other than IE?

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  • Answered
I see a section showing all browsers hitting my site. I see a section that breaks down the various IE browser versions hitting my site. Is there any way to break down the other non-IE browser versions just like the IE section?
You can view reports on versions of other browsers if you use the Standard, Professional or Enterprise edition. You just need to enable the reports in Options > Report > Contents.

The Lite version doesn't support reports on versions of non-IE browsers.
Steve Sommers
Hmm, strange. I have those turned on. I'm using Enterprise but I'm using a 30 evaluation version. Anyone know if the evaluation version has this feature disabled?
The evaluation version is a fully functional one. Maybe you have specified custom report contents with these reports disabled in "Profile Properties > Report > Custom report contents" so it causes the problem.

If the reports are enabled and it doesn't help, you can send your settings to us at so we check them. You can save the settings using the File > Backup command.
In fact the latest versions of the program can recognize versions of Safari, while they don't show them by default in a separate table.

If you use the Professional or Enterprise version of the program, you can add such table yourself:
1. Open Options > Report > Tables.
2. Choose the "Browser > Firefox Versions" table, click the "More" button and choose "Copy Table...".
3. On the "General" tab enter "Safari Versions" as the table name. On the "Filters" tab edit the existing filter and choose "Safari" instead of "Firefox" as filter value.
Steve Sommers
I forgot to get back to you, I found the settings. I was using the default settings and the default only had IE turned on.

Is there any remote chance that you can add the detail of one more browser: Safari?
Steve Sommers
VERY COOL! I'm running the report as I type. Thank you very much.