cant collect data, hart internet UK

I am told that we cannot use web log expert to collect the traffic reports from Heart Internet a UK Bast web hosting company, but no one can tell me why. has anyone got any idias.
Sorry to have taken so long to get back to you, getting information from the host provider is a bit slow and painfull. When i asked for log file information here is the reply.

Alan says:
sorry to keep on but i need 100% on this. i can have ftp access to the log files that deal with the traffic on the site for sites that i place with you on a reseller account. please advise the format that the log files are presented in. Thank you for your time.

**** **** says:
The logs files are a sym link to the logs directory on the servers. SSH access is fine if you have an appropriate package but if you need to download / access via FTP to the raw log files then you would download them with a option in the control panel or copy them from the linked directory to the DTP space.

Alan says:
Thank you for your time. what format are the log files in.

**** **** says:
just getting that for you :)

**** **** says:
Sorry to keep you

**** **** says:
The logs will be in the for of "domain-name IP-Address Date-and-time file-accessed Apache-Response-Code Bytes-Transferred Browser"

I Hope this will be of assistance and that your program will be able to use this type of file.
It seems that the program cannot support this log format, you can find more information on it at The main issue is that your logs have domain listed first instead of IP address like in Standard Apache logs.
WebLog Expert cannot be used if either your hosting company doesn't provide log files or if it provides log files in format not supported by WebLog Expert.

Have a representative of your hoster told you that the program cannot be used with their service?