Clarification of "Unique IP" given public IP and non-routable IPs
How are Unique IP addresses determined? For example, if there are 3 workstations in a single location that utilize DHCP, so that all "share" the same public IP but each obviously has its own non-routable IP address, would that count as 3 unique visitors logged (and reported) if all 3 visited the same URL at the same time?
Number of visitors counted depends on time between requests. The program determines number of visitors by the IP addresses. If a request from an IP address came after some time (timeout) since the last request from this IP, it is considered to belong to a different visitor. The timeout is set to 30 minutes by default but you can change this value in Options > Analysis > General.
So if all the workstations accessed page on the site at the same time, they will be counted as one visitor.