Creative way to find pages/documents that have NO hits?

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  • Answered
We have approximately 7,500 non-html documents for download on our website. I would like to determine which files have received no hits over the last year as a means of justifying their removal. Does anyone have a creative idea for how this might be done?
You can create a new log file with one hit for each existing file. Just use the same log line (you can take it from an existing log), but with different requested file name. If you have a list of file names, creating such log should be easy.

After it you should set the number of items for the Files report to 10000 an sorting ("base column") to "Hits". You can set it in the program options ("Report | Contents" category) or profile properties. Just select an appropriate item and click the "Properties" button. You can view a demo on how to do it at

After it you'll be able to analyze this log along with other log files for your site and check which files had 1 hit (so they haven't been requested - this 1 hit is from the log you created) and remove them.
If you wish you can send us the list of files to and we'll create such log for you. Creating such list of files is possible using the dir command, you can find more information on it at . E.g. you can use a command like the following:

dir c:\MySiteWithFiles /s /b /o:gn > c:\ListOfFiles\List.txt
Angela French
Hi Michael, I am new to use a web log analyzer tool and have only been trying WLE for a few days. I'm afraid I seem to have some gaps in basic concepts. I have only had experience with Google Analytics. I am not sure what you mean by "create a new log file with one hit for each existing file." I do have text files containing a list of each non-html file types. I will send one such file to you at the support email. I appreciate your help very much. I should probably mention that I am on an old version (4.1) in case any functionality you refer to is not supported by that version.