All browser Report shows different stats compared to any report filtered by browser version.

  • updated

I was running some reports on usage by browser and by organization with wle but I noticed a discrepancy in browser usage compared with the main browser reports.

Specifically I had added a filter for "Internet Explorer 8.x" to the Visitors > organization report. This report showed that IE8 usage was 35% of total by organization - this seemed way too low to me so I then went to the regular All Browser report. That report showed a 70% usage of IE8 - which is more likely for our clients. Can you please help me understand this big swing in numbers for IE8 usage.

Interestingly when I filter for IE6 or IE9 their stats are okay i.e. they compare well with the main browser report.

Be good to understand this one.


browser organization ie8
Could you please send more information (log file analyzed, reports, settings used that can help us to check the issue) to us at