No. of visitor run by weblog expert 7 and 8 are different

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  • Answered
Since I need to re-run the number of visitor of my website in past 5 years .
It is found that the no. of visitor run by weblog expert 7 and 8 are different.
I think it is caused by the recognition of new search engines and spiders.

Can the new recognition in weblog expert only take effect to new logs only?
e.g. Use the spider db version 7 for the log between 2009-2010
Use the spider db version 7.1 for the log between 2011-2012
Use the spider db version 8.2 for the log between 2013 and after

It may be complicated but it is a way to let the figure be consistent in different version
Unfortunately it's not possible, the program can only use the spider database installed with the last version.