1.5 million '0 page views'

  • updated
  • Answered
We are having an issue with one of our very popular sites and seem to be getting some very unusual stats. These include our 'Total visitors' figure being larger than our 'Total page views' figure (More people came to the site than actually viewed a page?!), and 1.5 million '0 page views' since the site went live (how do you classify a 0 page view).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There may be visitors that request files on your site directly without visiting pages on your site, e.g. download files using links from other sites. Such visitors are counted in WebLog Expert but produce no page views (page view is a request for a page file).

If you wish to get information on visitors who accessed pages only, you can do it by creating an include "Requested file" filter with value %PageFiles%
Chris Choules

Thanks so much for your response, and your suggestion worked for the most part. However we are still getting over 6,000 "0 page views" in a period of 6months. Do you have any more suggestions?
The remaining "0 page views" entries probably appear because of visitors that accessed pages on your site but got errors (e.g. 404 error). In the page views per visitor report failed requests aren't counted as page views, but visitors with failed requests are counted, so you get such results.

You can exclude all failed requests by creating an exclude "Status code" filter with value "4* 5*" (without quotes), but in this case information on errors won't be shown in report at all.
Chris Choules
Hi Michael,

Thanks again. You're absolutely right, that did take away the final "0 Page View" entries and also the error information as you warned me, but that is ok.

I shall be sure to come back here with any more queries i have.

Kind regards,
