Identifying Other Browser types

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  • Answered
In the reports I am seeing quite a few "Other Browsers". In fact they almost number the same connections as IE. Is there someplace in the app that I can tell what these "other browsers' actually are? I am using the enterprise version of the application.
The "Others" field in the browsers report means that there is no OS/browser specified in the log files for this request.

It can be caused by browsers/robots that don't send the useragent information, or by missing useragent field in some log files.
Thanks Michael. So this could be caused by a load balancer doing health checks on web servers then?
Yes, it could be caused by the load balancer if it doesn't send useragent information.

You should check the IPs of requests without useragent. To do it, create an exclude "User agent" filter with value ?* . It will exclude all requests with non-empty useragents, so you'll be able to find IPs of requests with empty useragent in the Visitors > Hosts report and check if there is an IP of the load balancer.