Problem with stats on load balanced servers

  • updated
I'm trying to analyze logs from 4 load-balanced (using HAProxy, servers are IIS 7.5) web servers. I am using "analyze logs from load balanced servers" option. For some reason however the results are showing property looking "Hits", but not "Visitors". "General" is showing for instance 30 mln hits and 28 mln visitors, but browser exactly 1,121 "Visitors" is using IE8, IE9, Chrome, IE6, IE7 and few other browsers (hits vary from 1.5 mln to 8.5 mln).
You should check the Visitors | Hosts report, maybe there are a lot of visitors from the same IPs (e.g. IPs of a proxy server) that causes the problem.
Joseph Ollero
Is the Visitor reporting refers to C-IP of the IIS Logs?
Quote from Joseph Ollero
Is the Visitor reporting refers to C-IP of the IIS Logs?
Visitors are determined by IP address using the timeout (30 minutes by default) to separate different visitors from the same IP.

For IIS logs the c-ip field is used as visitor IP unless there is an X-Forwarded-For or CF-Connecting-IP field available. If one of these fields is available (that is common for load balanced logs), its value is used as visitor IP instead of the c-ip.
Danny D
Quote from Joseph Ollero
Is the Visitor reporting refers to C-IP of the IIS Logs?
Hi Michael, This ticket is open for 3 years now. we no longer use WebLogExpert...
Quote from Joseph Ollero
Is the Visitor reporting refers to C-IP of the IIS Logs?
Hi Danny, I actually answered to Joseph (see above) who added his question to this topic today. However, as you are subscribed to this topic, you have received the response too.
Don Schaefer
We have the same problem, is there a solution to getting the visitor reporting more accurate? 1 Visitor per day is pretty meaningless.

Quote from Don Schaefer
We have the same problem, is there a solution to getting the visitor reporting more accurate? 1 Visitor per day is pretty meaningless.

Such problem can be solved in most cases by including the X-Forwarded-For field in logs. This field contains real visitor IPs so the program will be able to report meaningful statistics on visitors.

You can find more information on it in the following topic: