Can the the tool make the difference between hits and visits?

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  • Answered
I'm testing the Enterprise version of the tool. I've created a report based on access.log files provided by our Apache Server.
The number of visits are very very large compared to our 'old solution' (54 visits vs 1280 for WebLogExpert!).

It seems each hits on a dedicated page is considered as a visit.
But as you know a page is composed with several 'static components' (css, jpg...) and I don't want see these hits considered as visits.
Maybe I'm wrong and my website is very popular! :)

Do you have any details about this?

Thank you very much for your help!
static content visits
Visits/visitors reported may include multiple requests (hits) of different files. The program determines number of visitors by the IP addresses. If a request from an IP address came after some time (timeout) since the last request from this IP, it is considered to belong to a different visitor. The timeout is set to 30 minutes by default but you can change this value in Options > Analysis > General. Requests from spiders aren't used to determine visitors unless the “Count spiders as visitors” option is enabled.

By default visitors that requested any file are counted. If you wish to get information on visitors who accessed pages only we recommend you to create an include "File" filter with value %PageFiles%